Do you feel bad for girls you use ?


Gate's closing
Dec 27, 2024
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Pretty simple. Most girls want a LTR but you geomaxx and don’t want.

Don’t you feel a bit bad inside ?
I swallowed the blackpill but my years of conditionning make me too empathic I think.
I kinda feel like I could potentially have an LTR with any girl I see. It's the girl's responsibility to convince me to want to make it into a relationship. If she can't then that's the natural of order of things, I don't feel bad
So… when you talk to them do you imply that you aren’t interested in a relationship from the start or do you just let the doubt ?
For example if she says she wants to be with u for a LTR, do you just say no or wait and see
Can you only geomaxx for short amounts of time? Or just prefer to keep changing country?
I guess it depends on how you present yourself and what situation. When I lived in Thailand, I used to hook up with a lot of white Euro girls backpacking the country. I initially used to feel bad cause it felt like I was just using them for a night of fun. But then I realized they were using me just as much as I was using them. They were not stupid.
why do you think you are using them?

there's many girls that are looking for something casual with a foreigner becaause it's fun and exotic

obviously if you are lying about LTR you are a piece of shit, but everyone here will find it normal and then wonder why they dont attract any top tier girl
Pretty simple. Most girls want a LTR but you geomaxx and don’t want.

Don’t you feel a bit bad inside ?
I swallowed the blackpill but my years of conditionning make me too empathic I think.
remember all the girls that treated you like shit back home. the girsl in SEA or geomax'd country are the same. the only difference is, they are poor so they give more. But you bring that same girl to your country and i guarentee you, she would change to one of those bitches like back home and drop you like a hot brick with NO feelings about it.

dont' feel bad
"Girls you use" lol you haven't even had sex yet you're not using anyone LOL
So… when you talk to them do you imply that you aren’t interested in a relationship from the start or do you just let the doubt ?
For example if she says she wants to be with u for a LTR, do you just say no or wait and see
There should never be any "declaration" and you should never put girls in categories of "LTR" or "hook up".

Every girl who is a hook up should believe she has a chance of being converted into an LTR. Similarly, every girl you are in a LTR with should know that she could be demoted to a more casual position as well.

It sounds callous and/or manipulative but it works. Girls should always be asking the questions "how does he view me?" and "what position am I in?" It is their job to build trust and affection from you, and by making declarations and applying labels you are eroding your leverage.
There should never be any "declaration" and you should never put girls in categories of "LTR" or "hook up".

Every girl who is a hook up should believe she has a chance of being converted into an LTR. Similarly, every girl you are in a LTR with should know that she could be demoted to a more casual position as well.

It sounds callous and/or manipulative but it works. Girls should always be asking the questions "how does he view me?" and "what position am I in?" It is their job to build trust and affection from you, and by making declarations and applying labels you are eroding your leverage.
strangely this guy is right. The moment a woman gets comfy. she starts getting interested in the guy that is the mystery to her and peaks her interest.
There should never be any "declaration" and you should never put girls in categories of "LTR" or "hook up".

Every girl who is a hook up should believe she has a chance of being converted into an LTR. Similarly, every girl you are in a LTR with should know that she could be demoted to a more casual position as well.

It sounds callous and/or manipulative but it works. Girls should always be asking the questions "how does he view me?" and "what position am I in?" It is their job to build trust and affection from you, and by making declarations and applying labels you are eroding your leverage.
Based as always
being able to get anything above mid is massive fakecel trait
Who said I'm a incel?

This is not a incel forum
This is a geomaxx forum. I dated top 10-20% in looks only...

This is a forum where you improve your looks,gym and esp money to improve your chances and got country where it's much easier to date
btw @Pained4ever if you cant be above average or pull above avg girls or earning no money (not 3k a month or 1.5k for example) thats on you cause theres infinite amount of knowledge on the forums

Im soon reaching my peak body 6 years ago, only 2-3 months of training away
btw @Pained4ever if you cant be above average or pull above avg girls or earning no money (not 3k a month or 1.5k for example) thats on you cause theres infinite amount of knowledge on the forums

Im soon reaching my peak body 6 years ago, only 2-3 months of training away
i match with mid chicks overwhelmingly. occasionally i'll match with a htb but not often.
i'm 3/10 truecel.

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