JFL degenerate russian couple on tinder in nha trang vietnam


INFP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
Reaction score
lol they swiped on me

typical slav cuck
but not even kidding i haven’t seen any wmaf couple today, only saw one yesterday, saw the first blackie today in the city of nha trang. bald and dark skinned so no competition for me. it’s safe to say i’m the only dreadhead lightskin nigga here

i can just run playboi carti game here lol
but the city (if you even want to call it that. only 500k population) is incredibly bored. i can’t wait to go to the next city in a few days and meetup with an org user

wouldn’t recommend this place if you’re a deathnic like me. if a niche maxxed mulatto like myself gets less matches, and barely any wmaf couples out and about, then you’ll prob do terrible. stick to saigon slop i guess
also doesn’t help that these self absorbed viets think they don’t have to learn the global language, the queens english
@KingOfAsia i downloaded litmatch and joined a vc and they saw my name and started saying things in viet like “if you love me join” and “i love you” lol just cuz my name

prob thought i was baby leo dicaprio

but then i sperged out and left. too non nt
Any luck with dating in Vietnam is it worth a visit
saigon is fine but less girls speak english compared to thailand and ph so you will either have to put up with bs language barrier and such (no problem when drunk) or have higher looks level
I was going to visit Nha Trang last year but didn't. Might check it out. Always enjoyed Danang. Have a flight for Saigon next week but enjoying Indonesia too much right now.
me and chinacurry from org will be meeting up in saigon next week
First time. Enjoying it so far. Foids easier than in Thailand. It's a welcomed change. Though still think Thai is best as a base. Indo reminds me of my time in Philippines.
That's surprising, where do you get matches?
Thought Thailand was easier
First time. Enjoying it so far. Foids easier than in Thailand. It's a welcomed change. Though still think Thai is best as a base. Indo reminds me of my time in Philippines.
I also wouldn't live in Jakarta so not much incentive to go there and move. Would say girls in PH is cooler as base. Need to try da Nang and maybe even dating there but I guess it's harder
First time. Enjoying it so far. Foids easier than in Thailand. It's a welcomed change. Though still think Thai is best as a base. Indo reminds me of my time in Philippines.
How long have you been in Indonesia for?
I also wouldn't live in Jakarta so not much incentive to go there and move. Would say girls in PH is cooler as base. Need to try da Nang and maybe even dating there but I guess it's harder
I had a great time Danang. I'll go back at some point this year. I might check Jakarta for a few days. Yeah, Philippines I have so many memories but have not been there since Pre Covid. This year I plan to go back and visit some old haunts.
@KingOfAsia i downloaded litmatch and joined a vc and they saw my name and started saying things in viet like “if you love me join” and “i love you” lol just cuz my name

prob thought i was baby leo dicaprio

but then i sperged out and left. too non nt
What was ur name

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