could you ever go back to dating white women?

i would but the problem is that their SMVs are driven up a lot by the competition and also by chanceless simps. so compared to other races they usually demand too much compared to their own quality.

since i'm flexible regarding race i end up with other women mostly. right now my main FWBs are an iranian and a taiwanese.
yeah if i were a chad i would date white women, because at that point its as easy as asians

Even if you are a Chad, it only means the MTBs and the HTBs are gonna be easy. You are are still gonna have to put in decent work for the Stacey-lites and Staceys. At least that is what I observe from my Chad friends here in CE/EE.

Even if you are a Chad, it only means the MTBs and the HTBs are gonna be easy. You are are still gonna have to put in decent work for the Stacey-lites and Staceys. At least that is what I observe from my Chad friends here in CE/EE.
those girls have access to rich and famous ppl, there's always a bigger chad in the west lol
but i prefer htb white women, than the kind of asians a chad could get
i know girls that are a 7, and at that point they already start having access to low level DJs, influencers and other semi famous and rich ppl
the 8s, 9s and 10s must be on another level
i know girls that are a 7, and at that point they already start having access to low level DJs, influencers and other semi famous and rich ppl
the 8s, 9s and 10s must be on another level

Yes, this is absolutely true. I have seen with here with my own eyes. My rich Asian Chang-lite managed to get a couple of 8s here...and the offers that they get....insane.
Yes, this is absolutely true. I have seen with here with my own eyes. My rich Asian Chang-lite managed to get a couple of 8s here...and the offers that they get....insane.
though i also think ppl exaggerate a lot the rating of girls, a pretty girl is probably not a 7, and is quite far from a 8

6 is a cute girl
7 is the hottest girl in a group of random girl friends
8/9/10 we are talking about the hottest girls in a trendy nightclub
you guys are coping that chads are going to start going for asians lol, most of my normies friends only go for white girls. for a chad an effortless becky or higher is good enough
i know girls that are a 7, and at that point they already start having access to low level DJs, influencers and other semi famous and rich ppl
the 8s, 9s and 10s must be on another level
Yes, this is absolutely true. I have seen with here with my own eyes. My rich Asian Chang-lite managed to get a couple of 8s here...and the offers that they get....insane.
This is why i'm not interested in gold diggers. There will always be a richer guy coming along at some point and then you're easily gonna lose her if you don't watch it.
This is why i'm not interested in gold diggers. There will always be a richer guy coming along at some point and then you're easily gonna lose her if you don't watch it.
gold diggers or girls way out of your league are good for 1 night, longterm not worth to keep them interested
you guys are coping that chads are going to start going for asians lol, most of my normies friends only go for white girls. for a chad an effortless becky or higher is good enough

Maybe when they are young and trying to sow their wild oats. But watching my Chad friends here, they have very low interest in MTBs or HTBs. It's human nature to not really value things you can easily get. They strictly go for Stacey-lites and up. On a slow Tuesday they might hit up the MTB or HTB but saying they are good enough is far from the truth.
Depends....a white girl in argentina. YA of course. OR a white girl in any 3rd world country, born and raised, YES.

westernized woman, doesnt' even have to be white. Big farking nopers
Depends....a white girl in argentina. YA of course. OR a white girl in any 3rd world country, born and raised, YES.

westernized woman, doesnt' even have to be white. Big farking nopers
would you say the same if fucking white girls was as easy as asian or latinas?
would you say the same if fucking white girls was as easy as asian or latinas?
yes, simply due to the fact of feminism. its has completely destroyed every country is touches.

Look at any country with welfare. It has feminism, because feminism needs government to support women, who fall into the trap I can have sex with 100000 guys and you cannot shame me, it's my body my choice, and have 5 baby daddies from tyrone.

"someone has to pay for my kids" and it won't be the woman. So it's perfect for them. I have men (the system) to pay for me, without having to give them (men) anything in return. while i do what i want. Zero accountability

because feminism destroys the traditional family

at least with my latina or my asian, they still believe the various shades of love. I instantly crush him, he is nice to me, i will learn to love him. those are the shades. Because in all of those countries, there is no welfare. SO women either stay home until they grow old. Or they fall in line to traditional standards. Because without a strong supportive family, in those countries, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. in every way. So believing in marriage and traditional values is in a womans best interest.

and white women are that easy in western countries. I am no incel. I got pussy. not in the quantity i do in latin or asian countries. Because there is with femenism, agism. Where females and males are taught to have these bullshit age boundaries. So me being 44. Its alot harder to fuck the girls of the age catagory i want. Society says 34 or 36 no less. Im like fuck that, 18 balls deep. even 17 if its there. No shame picking up the gf from highschool LOL
But i know, if some day i want wife number 2 . I can EASILY find a good girl, in latin or asian countries.
I will be very honest with you forum goers. My ex wife. Was my soul mate. But the problem with us was the sex was very very very fucking bad. She got her clit removed (family was super muslim). so she never ever made advances on me. Had to be taught everything. And no, after while if a girl has no motivation for sex, it gets fucking BORING. Like literally it would be like awwww fuck it's her birthday today. Sighhhh i guess i gotta take one for the team, get drunk and fuck her tonight.
She saw this pod cast once, where this indian guy was complaining, that his wife never gave him head and thats' why he was cheating on her with a white girl. The indian girl says "Well roje, if you gave some you would get some" and my ex thought that was hilarious. she did not give bjs. Not realizing that its YOUR job to keep YOUR man happy. Since sex is not the underlying motivation for a woman to stay happy in a relationship, but it is for a man.
But otherwise, we were best friends. We shared everything, enjoyed each others company immensely. But eventually the shit sex broke me. started looking at porn all the time, (she bitched about it) started seeking girls online to role play (always in other countries no cheating). But after while even that happened.

for example. i have an 18 (almost 19) yo asian cutie who is into me, this is us just watching tv. she likes to just put my dick in her mouth while we watch a movie. Her mother called her and she was talking to her mother while she was giving me a bj. and i am not kidding with this, she literally has my dick in my hand all day. Wakes me up with morning bjs.


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i also want to add about my rant about women. Ever notice in those survival shows. Island of men, and another island of women.

the men immediately set out to setup camp. Survival.

women immediately looksmax and start suntaning or collecting sea fucking shells. (something that is pointless, unless you live in the flintstones and pay with clams)

then 2 weeks later, the women are all bug bitten, starved and weathered (cause they cannot or did not bother concentrating on building a shelter)

while the men are sitting around playing home made chess, well fed and dont' look like shit.

women eventually are let in to mingle with the men otherwise they would fucking starve to death or succumb to malaria.

men and women are NOT equal. NO matter how much feminists wants themselves to be. They are only equal when men give them equality

so long story short. YES. i would fuck white women again IF they were not raised in a western (welfare) given country. Ex gf latina (DR). is she white?


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