LONG READ - DNRD-cels beware
Caucasoid female on Black male femdom is the most objectively accurate IR porn. Think about it.
First of all - caucasoid people are more objectively more primitive than Black people. They have mesoskelic proportions; more body hair; they lack the sexual dimorphism that humans are supposed to have (as evident by Black tits, ass, and dick) so their bodies are more simian; they have strong, primitive bone structure; their hair-structure is nearly identical to fur whereas kinky hair essentially evolved alongside hand and motor coordination, and their skin is pale. Blacks are objectively the most evolved race; they just look more primitive because they are unmixed and directly descended from apes while the neanderthal and human admixture in caucasoids and yellows confuses people.

Second of all caucasoid females have been pwning Black males for centuries. They are they more successful than Black men with more technology and achievements to their name. They have owned them as slaves and nearly all of them from Arabs to Latinas to whites and have had them tortured, abused and punished for stupid shit. Not only that they were neanderthals at some point, so they - as women - were unironically much stronger than Black human males and could overpower them quite easily. Neanderthal males probably kept Black boys as pets and sex slaves or raped them during raids and shit. Caucasoid females have been dominating niggers since fucking ooga booga cave times.

Third of all its hot. I want to see a female orcess orcing out, unravelling millennia of Western submission and civilization and exploring her bestial, primitive nature. I dont care for auntie-faced middle-aged niggers like Jason Luv fucking some slut. Black men look like Black women. Who cares
It is time for a new era of sex. The era not of BBC, not of BWC, but of HCP - Humpback cave pussy
Caucasoid female on Black male femdom is the most objectively accurate IR porn. Think about it.
First of all - caucasoid people are more objectively more primitive than Black people. They have mesoskelic proportions; more body hair; they lack the sexual dimorphism that humans are supposed to have (as evident by Black tits, ass, and dick) so their bodies are more simian; they have strong, primitive bone structure; their hair-structure is nearly identical to fur whereas kinky hair essentially evolved alongside hand and motor coordination, and their skin is pale. Blacks are objectively the most evolved race; they just look more primitive because they are unmixed and directly descended from apes while the neanderthal and human admixture in caucasoids and yellows confuses people.

Second of all caucasoid females have been pwning Black males for centuries. They are they more successful than Black men with more technology and achievements to their name. They have owned them as slaves and nearly all of them from Arabs to Latinas to whites and have had them tortured, abused and punished for stupid shit. Not only that they were neanderthals at some point, so they - as women - were unironically much stronger than Black human males and could overpower them quite easily. Neanderthal males probably kept Black boys as pets and sex slaves or raped them during raids and shit. Caucasoid females have been dominating niggers since fucking ooga booga cave times.

Third of all its hot. I want to see a female orcess orcing out, unravelling millennia of Western submission and civilization and exploring her bestial, primitive nature. I dont care for auntie-faced middle-aged niggers like Jason Luv fucking some slut. Black men look like Black women. Who cares
It is time for a new era of sex. The era not of BBC, not of BWC, but of HCP - Humpback cave pussy