Blackcel Geomaxxes to Thailand at 20 years old due to crappy dating scene in America


Well-known Member
Aug 2, 2023

He just like me fr. Only differnece is im going to the DR first. Might go to SEA after but not sure.
Virtually every black guy under 40 I've seen on the street outside coom zones was with a white foid. Propaganda has become reality, JFL. None of the negroes bother to bring an obnoxious, freeloading young black female along for the trip. I've seen very few blacks with Asian partners, though black guys visiting the coomer bars will always find girls willing to provide the relevant services. This is why most black male tourists congregate in the coom zones; any coom zone you go to in SEA, you will find blacks.
Don't like hanging around other blacks abroad unless they're super deep into esoteric / alternative subjects and are relaxed and are around my height / SMV.

Most of the blacks I meet are usually bedwench faggot mammy bitches dating old white men or annoying loud Africans or passport nignogs with a chip on their shoulder.

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