Height is one of the few things that we have absolutely zero control over. Pure genetic lottery. It really is fucking pointless to even discuss it, as the "manlets" who are entirely oblivious of their height are always the ones with the most confidence and charm. Hell, I've even seen a couple pajeet gigolos a tad shorter than their cute white girlfriends back in Bangkok. Of course, that was clearly a femdom situation in both cases. Jeets are like flips; both peoples don't have much pride and are generally cool with being subservient to whites. But I digress...
It's all in your head. Tallfags don't notice height in shorter guys...but shorter guys who lack self-confidence feel heightmogged by taller guys. Confidence being key, not height. Of course, there is a conundrum involved. Without confidence, you can't get pussy. But how do you feel confident if you are not getting laid?
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