Been in Jakarta for a week now, AMA

How attractive are women compared to other Asian chicks? How difficult compared to other sea places?
there is a secret society situation going on here where a lot of women fuck, tons of girls who are total hoes, the 98% of good muslims u dont even notice cuz of the volume of people in this city and even they eye fuck me when im going to buy milk
ill go to a popular meat market bar and get 15 IGs, get shitfaced drunk with my friend, pull, then have 5 girls hit me up the next day to which I respond with a photo of the girl of pulled in my bed

ultimate abundance

I am however looking for virgins and good girls who dont party to spend time with cuz i dont wanna turn full gear sociopath alcoholic again
i have been to indo and jakarta many times. 15 years ago, it was awesome. JBW narrative worked there.

now if you go to bandung, or jakarta (even the north of jakarta) being white is an advantage but not like it was 15 years ago. oh ya, AVOID bali, it sucks. yes there is pussy there. But for me, it just sucks unless your into surfing.

but JBW still works, but not as well as it did in the past. Or maybe because im now 15 years older, it's due to my age. I don't fucking know.

and a good pull trick is, just as it is in the filipeans. Get a local sim. Write down your number in your phone, save it on your phone. Get a pad of paper and write your number on at least 10 different pages, for the day.

Go to malls, go to where ever the fuck, say hi your cute. Or kamu cantik (cah moo chan teak) call me. and give her the paper with your number.

do this to any attractive or fuck peice you would get down with. Until all the 10 pieces of paper are gone from your pocket.

get two translators on your phone (TRUST ME). pick your favorite one to speak english to indo

and the other is indo to english.

why two you wonder, if you haven't figured it out yet. It's faster conversations. Copy paste to indo to english
respond with english to indo translator.

you can have very fast conversations, they will think you speak indo.

but be direct. Dont' fuck around. Some are going to play good girl, be nice, don't throw them away, but be direct. lets go out.

you aren't looking for love your looking for sex. Period. so treat it that way. No matter how "sweet" you think your girl is, she's got a vagina she wants it filled. So it's by you, or some other asshole. Be that asshole.

jakarta has a whole underground scene. If you have never been to jakarta. You won't find alot. compared to if you meet an indo mongering friend. Then you will see REAL jakarta and the underground scene is fucking awesome. drugs, sex, and whatever the fuck else you want...and i mean ANYTHING.

anyways, that's my take on indo. been there over 10 times, i had an indo wife. (divorced now)
ps to poster

do they still wear masks and shit, i will be in indo in january. going to try living in a different SEA country every 6 months. i fucked a few indo girls 5 years ago, and they still message me. I don't send them any money, but im going to start sending 50 bucks a month to one or two, to wam them up to my arrival. anyways.

does the post covid thing suck or is it back to normal. I only hang in north jakarta. the south is for foreign fags that have more money than brains. I will be fucked to pay 100 to one of those dancing girls on stage, when i can pay 30 for the same asian pussy on the street. they all look alike anyways, right LOL
Indo chicks are some of the ugliest SEA chicks I have ever seen. I could not believe how much better Thai women in Bangkok looked after I got back from Bali. And I don't have such a high opinion of Bangkok girls on average.
you still there?

What's the deets what clubs? logistics? where are you staying do you take taxis or public transport last time I went in the 2019 they put in a subway system.

Which areas are good to go? do you go to mainly foreigner friendly places or locals or a mix?

Do you know any bahasa or do you just use english?

How are food prices? (i.e. can I eat clean with meat and vegetables, I'm ok with eating cheap chicken and fruit)
I need to maintain weight loss, I'm at like 18% BF right now and I wana cut to 12%. I"ll be asia in november.
Indo chicks are some of the ugliest SEA chicks I have ever seen. I could not believe how much better Thai women in Bangkok looked after I got back from Bali. And I don't have such a high opinion of Bangkok girls on average.
Indo chicks are some of the ugliest SEA chicks I have ever seen. I could not believe how much better Thai women in Bangkok looked after I got back from Bali. And I don't have such a high opinion of Bangkok girls on average.
maybe i have no taste, but that is the kind of girls i fuck. (fucked this one a few times) I think she's pretty. What about you? maybe your looking in the wrong area?


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you still there?

What's the deets what clubs? logistics? where are you staying do you take taxis or public transport last time I went in the 2019 they put in a subway system.

Which areas are good to go? do you go to mainly foreigner friendly places or locals or a mix?

Do you know any bahasa or do you just use english?

How are food prices? (i.e. can I eat clean with meat and vegetables, I'm ok with eating cheap chicken and fruit)
I need to maintain weight loss, I'm at like 18% BF right now and I wana cut to 12%. I"ll be asia in november.
i am also on keto, been on it for 5 years. Rocks, love being skinny. want to learn ANY language.. Another travel hack.

if you drink, learn to say "beer, rum whatever is your poison" then learn to say I want. And glass and whatever else

think about it, you drink 10 beer that night. if you ask for a beer "aku mau beer bintang" you say "i want a beer bintang" ten times. learning to say "i want" is powerful. Because you can then add "aku mau ini or itu" i want this or that. and point.

you see where i am going. You repeat that everytime you go to the bar. In no time you will learn the basics of any language. And you wont' forget. Stay in that country long enough, and you will start speaking the language without having to think about it first.
maybe i have no taste, but that is the kind of girls i fuck. (fucked this one a few times) I think she's pretty. What about you? maybe your looking in the wrong area?

Does she have some sort of massive whitening filter on? Cause she is def not the typical brown, big nosed Indo chick. She kinda looks like a Chindo (Chinese Indo). Plus, it is kinda hard to tell what she really looks like with that pic.

Anyways, I ain't hating...if that is what makes you happy. More power to you.
Does she have some sort of massive whitening filter on? Cause she is def not the typical brown, big nosed Indo chick. She kinda looks like a Chindo (Chinese Indo). Plus, it is kinda hard to tell what she really looks like with that pic.

Anyways, I ain't hating...if that is what makes you happy. More power to you.
No whitening cream, she may have chinese in her. I know she's had me in her LOL. here, want another photo so you can try to tineye it. here ya go. I am not trying to get brownie points on a fucking forum. I am not a hero. just a degen that likes to fuck barely legal girls. (i mean, if your gonna rent them, why rent the old jalopy when i can rent the new ferrari with with same amount of money and way less mileage). Here she is with a friend. She's just turned 19. in this photo. month old


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Does she have some sort of massive whitening filter on? Cause she is def not the typical brown, big nosed Indo chick. She kinda looks like a Chindo (Chinese Indo). Plus, it is kinda hard to tell what she really looks like with that pic.

Anyways, I ain't hating...if that is what makes you happy. More power to you.
and there are three types of indo's. The brown they are common, and indos consider them "low class" then there are the super white indo's. Indo guys fawn over them, even if they are fat or ugly, just because they are white. (why i think indo guys make excellent wingmen cause i don't want a fugly fat white girl). And then the chinese indo's you mention. They are considered the "jews" of indonesia. they are usually business owners , christian and wealthy. (or the perception in indonesia that is). the chinese girls are the hardest to get with. Since they usually come from better and more afluent families. i go for any indo girl that's hot. White, brown. Dont' give a fuck.
and there are three types of indo's. The brown they are common, and indos consider them "low class" then there are the super white indo's. Indo guys fawn over them, even if they are fat or ugly, just because they are white. (why i think indo guys make excellent wingmen cause i don't want a fugly fat white girl). And then the chinese indo's you mention. They are considered the "jews" of indonesia. they are usually business owners , christian and wealthy. (or the perception in indonesia that is). the chinese girls are the hardest to get with. Since they usually come from better and more afluent families. i go for any indo girl that's hot. White, brown. Dont' give a fuck.
did you bring your indo wife to the west is that why you got divorced
did you bring your indo wife to the west is that why you got divorced
no i met her in houston. we were happy, but after being together for 14 years. it just got boring. And she cheated.

nothing to do with a "good girl, gone bad after leaving her country" scenario. her family was afluentual. She went to lab school which is where all the indo celebrities sent their kids and those kids are now indo's elite.
no i met her in houston. we were happy, but after being together for 14 years. it just got boring. And she cheated.

nothing to do with a "good girl, gone bad after leaving her country" scenario. her family was afluentual. She went to lab school which is where all the indo celebrities sent their kids and those kids are now indo's elite.
problem is you found her in america

case closed

show some slays from dr btw
problem is you found her in america

case closed

show some slays from dr btw
im glad you know the entire story. rolls eyes. She was in her first year of university. She had never been in america before. She came from indonesia. I met her, we lasted 14 years. To be honest. Completely my fault. i didn't want to fuck her anymore.And i mean at all. It had become to stale, and boring. I gave her sex on christmas. or her birthday. So by all accounts. The typical reason why foreign whores divorce american men, does not apply here. okay want photos one moment. pam who is now 25, i met her 5 years ago. and yissel who is 19 i met her 3 years ago. But only closed the deal last year with her. I don't fuck uglier than this. let see if this site can do videos. Pam on a random model shoot. And the black and white video is a college girl i have known for 3 years, yosmiery. she's 19. Family helped me alot. I only fucked her once. She's got a smoking body. i have been in DR for 6 months. The amount of girls i have been with is insane. I have done threesomes with sisters (on more than one occasion and different sisters) i fucked an entire family of sisters. This took years. 5 sisters i did 4. But at one point i was ducking 3 different girls a day. DR has been fun but it's time to go. in DR you cannot be ANYONE. they take that as a sign of weakness and they will never leave you alone and always want money from you. it's sad but a hard truth about this country and it's poverty.
So there you go, I am an average guy getting girls like this. Its simple anyone can do it. Just be skinny. and have money. and I paid less than most simps for all of them. Some of them, half the time were free. (very hard to do in DR). These are not girls that are hookers. These are girls i met through FB. i used to do hookers until i figured out my fb hack. Then i completely stopped doing hookers and use fb as my main means of getting girls now. (for those of you who have not seen it, go to the thread where i explain my fb hack, and these girls are proof it works well) i met all of the girls that i fucked here in these photos and many others, all through fb. easy peasy


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@biggunsar when you gona be in indonesia? I wana go it seems fun, I still need to keep cutting weight. I wana look good to smash hoes.

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