based on this information, how do you "geomax"?

Ask if the woman got jabbed and put a ultraviolet(uv) light on her arms and face, If she has glowing blood that means she is jabbed or if she has glowing shit near her forehead but no glowing blood she took a pcr test. Also all jabs are contaminated with this shit but covid is the worst one, Just find a poor young foid who is 18-20 and make sure she detoxifies her body from the shit they put in the food and water and everything else.
Ask if the woman got jabbed and put a ultraviolet(uv) light on her arms and face, If she has glowing blood that means she is jabbed or if she has glowing shit near her forehead but no glowing blood she took a pcr test. Also all jabs are contaminated with this shit but covid is the worst one, Just find a poor young foid who is 18-20 and make sure she detoxifies her body from the shit they put in the food and water and everything else.
do you think if you have sex with a vaxed cuck you become vaxed through her juices?
Everyone is vaxxed regardless if u didn't get it, you can get it from a vaxxed persons touch or breath

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It's different when they inject you with it, It works differently when you inhale the nanotechnology and it's not MRNA it's graphene oxide aka nanotechnology and it's a part of the globalist transhumanist agenda. The nano tech literally goes into your blood stream, When you inhale you can get rid of it through exhaling and pissing and shitting cause if you can inhale it you can exhale it.
What if she's good but she previously fucked someone that's part of the above map? Is there any way to detect that?
Nope u can't, It's only possible to tell if she got the vaccine or the pcr test because it has luciferace in it. If she fucks another dude and he has the vaccine he will pass it onto her and she will shed the side effects onto you.

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