Back after a hiatus. Heres a Thailand report


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2023
Went to Bangkok/Pattaya last month. Here are some insights:

Bangkok was overall an amazing city filled with modern amenities and things to do. Full disclaimer: yes there are plenty of chads here. HOWEVER, I did notice a significant chunk of them had western stacy gfs, lads holiday types, and the few remaining ones are digital nomad types. @Stellar_Travels was pretty accurate in his assessments, but a bit exaggerated imo. There is definitely oversaturation here but the good majority of the chads are not coping with sea monkeys here and more for the lifestyle, if anything I felt a bit of glares from normies as they knew I was there for cooming. As a white ltn manlet I was able to get plenty of matches, iois on street/jbw halo, random compliments on eyes...especially the further you get away from BTS and normie hotspots you can feel the jbw stares. I was not expecting much in terms of getting dates truthfully, I had a short vacation so mainly set my sights on mongering, but from spamming tinder and apps I did have girls willing to meet up on dates and the like.

Pattaya was where the real fun was at. If you are under the age of 40 and not like turbo trucel/pajeet completely ignore any FUD posting about this place. Soi 6 was an amazing experience, low season maybe had a 1 to 10 ratio of girls to coomers. Your options here are Thai Friendly, gogo bars, and the bars. I was actually able to get two girls to come to my place for free wandering around at night. First one was in front of 7/11 by herself, got her some food and then she came over and rotted at my apartment for 2 nights. I know some of you khhv fags would tell me I am coping but dealing with this 19 year old sea gook got annoying and seeing all of the other prime cunny at soi 6 filled me with dread, but getting rid of her was unsuccesful and I had to go back to bangkok the next morning anyhow. Once she found out I was leaving for Bangkok she absolutely lost her shit, started throwing things in my hotel, demanded 1.5k baht and then stormed off. Even if this was a ploy to extract money from me 1.5k for 2 nights of unlimited cooming and basically being my bitch (albiet very annoying) is a good deal lol. To make this post less contrived I ended up going to pattaya again after being in bangkok for a couple of days as I got bored. Second time I ended up smashing way more on soi 6, getting life affirming sessions from girls on thai friendly (girls comparing your skin to yours, saying how ugly they are and how beautiful you are, etc etc). I eventually found another straggler on walking street (filled with pajeets and bunch of gogos), got her line and she ended up going back to my place later. We ended up going to the neighboring island and she paid for alot of my stuff actually, and basically planned the entire trip out for me. Can't lie, this girl was 28 but she looked better than the 19 year old facially (19 year old had a veryyy tight body and great ass and tits) but this one was much less annoying and clingy. I did tell her I wanted to go to soi6 but she got mad and I ended up just spending night with her.

Back to bangkok, I only had a few nights and honestly didn't feel like going through the effort of planning and setting up dates and the like. Hotel was close enough to the coomer zones and figured might as well have fun while I can. Gogos are a fun experience and definitely worth trying out, but can't lie they are kind of pricy and sometimes I feel like I can get hotter and better girls p4p elsewhere or even near me. But theres plenty of other options for p4p in bangkok so gogos aren't the only avenue. I can hear quantcuck and the other faggots on here ready to pounce so I will keep the mongering here brief.

Overall I will say this about bangkok. If you are willing to stay there for more than a month you can absolutely get some mid girls to date/fuck/etc. Yes yes you are not going to be bagging any hiso girls (I did match a few of these pale girls, not sure if they are "hiso" or not), but if you are willing to trade off the quality and bit of effort for a good quality of life city that is cheap and filled with things to do then it is worth it in my opinion. Thailand is a very make of it what you will place, not the best at one particular thing but easily the best in SEA for having a good vacation, home base, etc. If you are a neurotic PSL brain who gets triggerd by seeing chads then best stay away, if you are willing to tough it out, not be a jestermaxxer at times and just pay when mids start making demands of you, and appreciate a nice country with good amenities than thailand will be a good place as a first timer and long timer
Another thing I will add, if you are there for a short time you get free lays (barring being a chad or lying ofc). girls are privvy to holiday coomers. However if you dont mind having a good qol and a mid gf (possible after a month) then it could be worth it for you.

On another note, walking around it was VERY rare to see a thai girl with a chad, and the ones I did see were with women that the sub6s and boomers were walking around with as well. Maybe these chads have a harem on online dating but truthfully I think most of these digital nomads get with each other, I find it hard to believe a neurotypical chad is willing to stoop to fuck some of the girls here. Like even I was having trouble coping with the quality of girls, but thats just SEA in general. There were just as many stacies and white roasties walking around. I am just speculating and it could be cope, but it was common site to see sub5 white guys and boomers in malls and the like with their thai gfs whereas white chad thai girl couples were not common at all.
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How many likes did you get on dating apps? Is it possible like before, to get a few 100 likes the moment you arrive?
Another thing I will add, if you are there for a short time you get free lays (barring being a chad or lying ofc). girls are privvy to holiday coomers. However if you dont mind having a good qol and a mid gf (possible after a month) then it could be worth it for you.

On another note, walking around it was VERY rare to see a thai girl with a chad, and the ones I did see were with women that the sub6s and boomers were walking around with as well. Maybe these chads have a harem on online dating but truthfully I think most of these digital nomads get with each other, I find it hard to believe a neurotypical chad is willing to stoop to fuck some of the girls here. Like even I was having trouble coping with the quality of girls, but thats just SEA in general. There were just as many stacies and white roasties walking around. I am just speculating and it could be cope, but it was common site to see sub5 white guys and boomers in malls and the like with their thai gfs whereas white chad thai girl couples were not common at all.
it's rare because there's not many chads living there, most of the ones you see are backpackers or fake it till you make it, which won't last long partying every night
there's lots of rotation
most chads are a big red flag and because of that they seem to attract the trashy girls, at least from what I can see of all the gurus living in Bangkok selling bullshit courses and influencers wannabe
i can't imagine hiso girls want to date someone that parties every night and has to sell courses online to fund the lifestyle
Actual chads or what looksfag users consider chad?
there are chads, it's mostly young backpackers taking a gap year or young guys traveling during holidays
there's probably a lot less competition in the late 20s and early 30s

there's a few guru/dubai bros/crypto/ecommerce living there, that are into fitness and all that

as for digital nomads if you look at the nomadlist map, you can see profile pics of the digital nomads there and 80% are easily moggable
good post

accurate about chads in bkk. usually with their white gf

never had a cooming trip to pattaya tbh. only time i’ve been there was with my gf

never went back alone cuz way too many indians and old guys. ruined the vibes for me
Actual chads or what looksfag users consider chad?
No like legit chads, PSL score and all that. Not like the redpill/normie definition of chad (le big muscles and tall), I am talking like 6'2, blond/blue hunter eyes, etc.

there are chads, it's mostly young backpackers taking a gap year or young guys traveling during holidays
there's probably a lot less competition in the late 20s and early 30s

there's a few guru/dubai bros/crypto/ecommerce living there, that are into fitness and all that

as for digital nomads if you look at the nomadlist map, you can see profile pics of the digital nomads there and 80% are easily moggable
I mean sure but theres plenty of white normies here looking for the same thing. In terms of maximizing lays to effort again not the best place. I am speaking for the crowds here as I dont care to get my ego validated by sea monkeys like the rest of the young khhvs here, but if you just want free sex better places. You are going to be putting more effort than neccessary for girls that are 4s and 5s (thai standards too, these girls would be 2s in latin america or east asia), and truthfully even the chads aren't really punching above their weight. You see this with the rare ones with girls that are not that hot. Theres more boomers I see walking around with hotter thai girls than the handful of chads I saw with girls, again probably transactional but the very few chads I saw had some straight uggos to mids that even I would be embarrased to be seen with. I do know some guy I was talking to on reddit (6'2 jbw but ltn face) who managed to snag a 7 by thai standards but he got extremely lucky and found her when she was first on the apps. One that stuck out to me was in Golden Horde temple, I saw a straight giga chad (not exaggerating, this dude would be in a youtube shorts mogger brain rot video with cringe zoomer music in the background and psl faggots wanting to suck his dick) with a brown girl was definietly above average by thai brown standards. she also spoke very westernized tho through her vocal tones, so maybe they met on some foreign exchange or something. the fact that I remember this encounter just shows the very few I saw with local women lol. This is just an observation though, the apps I am sure are filled to brim with chads that inflate the womens egos here. I didnt go to any normie clubs or bars that were outside coomer zones either so that could make a difference.

Oh and an edit, ABSOLUTELY AVOID KHAO SAN ROAD AT ALL COSTS. I have never seen as a high of a concentration of chads and stacies before in my life. There are more good looking men there than in a european or american city. Theres not alot of local women and men there either and full of scams, pure normie scum zone.

even the p4p isn't the best in bangkok, although raw sex is abundent. Again, not saying its completely over and impossible, far from it, its just more from a cost analysis standpoint and quality not just in terms of looks but even attitude as well. Also the thaicels who cope with the muh you cant get hiso girls are half truth, the reality is those girls are upper class and only pine for thai chads, kchangs, etc but are so low in quantity. A chinese becky mogs them too, they are just plastic maxxed, the average girls here are only slighly above pinays due to access to makeup and the like. Honestly even pattaya is better for free sex/hookups then bangkok lol.

Don't get it twisted guys, definitely visit Thailand. The experiences I made here were amazing and I will remember them for the rest of my life. Just be aware of the things I mentioned. If you are a mid white, black, or east asian guy you should be fine overall. Good babys first trip and long term spot if girls are not your number 1 priority. Flip copers wont admit it but youre quality of life here is true geomaxxing. That alone makes up for the somewhat shitty foid situation imo
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good post

accurate about chads in bkk. usually with their white gf

never had a cooming trip to pattaya tbh. only time i’ve been there was with my gf

never went back alone cuz way too many indians and old guys. ruined the vibes for me
these are the only places I feel comfortable. couldnt walk 100 feet without being mogged in bangkok
there are chads, it's mostly young backpackers taking a gap year or young guys traveling during holidays
there's probably a lot less competition in the late 20s and early 30s

there's a few guru/dubai bros/crypto/ecommerce living there, that are into fitness and all that

as for digital nomads if you look at the nomadlist map, you can see profile pics of the digital nomads there and 80% are easily moggable
if you have no problem dating late 20s girls its also not bad either, but they probably have tons of simps as well
No like legit chads, PSL score and all that. Not like the redpill/normie definition of chad (le big muscles and tall), I am talking like 6'2, blond/blue hunter eyes, etc.

I mean sure but theres plenty of white normies here looking for the same thing. In terms of maximizing lays to effort again not the best place. I am speaking for the crowds here as I dont care to get my ego validated by sea monkeys like the rest of the young khhvs here, but if you just want free sex better places. You are going to be putting more effort than neccessary for girls that are 4s and 5s (thai standards too, these girls would be 2s in latin america or east asia), and truthfully even the chads aren't really punching above their weight. You see this with the rare ones with girls that are not that hot. Theres more boomers I see walking around with hotter thai girls than the handful of chads I saw with girls, again probably transactional but the very few chads I saw had some straight uggos to mids that even I would be embarrased to be seen with. I do know some guy I was talking to on reddit (6'2 jbw but ltn face) who managed to snag a 7 by thai standards but he got extremely lucky and found her when she was first on the apps. One that stuck out to me was in Golden Horde temple, I saw a straight giga chad (not exaggerating, this dude would be in a youtube shorts mogger brain rot video with cringe zoomer music in the background and psl faggots wanting to suck his dick) with a brown girl was definietly above average by thai brown standards. she also spoke very westernized tho through her vocal tones, so maybe they met on some foreign exchange or something. the fact that I remember this encounter just shows the very few I saw with local women lol. This is just an observation though, the apps I am sure are filled to brim with chads that inflate the womens egos here. I didnt go to any normie clubs or bars that were outside coomer zones either so that could make a difference.

Oh and an edit, ABSOLUTELY AVOID KHAO SAN ROAD AT ALL COSTS. I have never seen as a high of a concentration of chads and stacies before in my life. There are more good looking men there than in a european or american city. Theres not alot of local women and men there either and full of scams, pure normie scum zone.

even the p4p isn't the best in bangkok, although raw sex is abundent. Again, not saying its completely over and impossible, far from it, its just more from a cost analysis standpoint and quality not just in terms of looks but even attitude as well. Also the thaicels who cope with the muh you cant get hiso girls are half truth, the reality is those girls are upper class and only pine for thai chads, kchangs, etc but are so low in quantity. A chinese becky mogs them too, they are just plastic maxxed, the average girls here are only slighly above pinays due to access to makeup and the like. Honestly even pattaya is better for free sex/hookups then bangkok lol.

Don't get it twisted guys, definitely visit Thailand. The experiences I made here were amazing and I will remember them for the rest of my life. Just be aware of the things I mentioned. If you are a mid white, black, or east asian guy you should be fine overall. Good babys first trip and long term spot if girls are not your number 1 priority. Flip copers wont admit it but youre quality of life here is true geomaxxing. That alone makes up for the somewhat shitty foid situation imo
which countries/cities do you like, in terms of better results for quantity and high quality women?
Another thing I will add, if you are there for a short time you get free lays (barring being a chad or lying ofc). girls are privvy to holiday coomers. However if you dont mind having a good qol and a mid gf (possible after a month) then it could be worth it for you.

On another note, walking around it was VERY rare to see a thai girl with a chad, and the ones I did see were with women that the sub6s and boomers were walking around with as well. Maybe these chads have a harem on online dating but truthfully I think most of these digital nomads get with each other, I find it hard to believe a neurotypical chad is willing to stoop to fuck some of the girls here. Like even I was having trouble coping with the quality of girls, but thats just SEA in general. There were just as many stacies and white roasties walking around. I am just speculating and it could be cope, but it was common site to see sub5 white guys and boomers in malls and the like with their thai gfs whereas white chad thai girl couples were not common at all.
Kinda agree with this
good post

accurate about chads in bkk. usually with their white gf

never had a cooming trip to pattaya tbh. only time i’ve been there was with my gf

never went back alone cuz way too many indians and old guys. ruined the vibes for me
Same BKK or Pattaya is too degen for me
i think it depends on your expectations
the days of going to Thailand and dating 8/9/10s as a random white guy are over
but if you are happy with all the other girls, you can do well

8s, 9s, and 10s in Thailand...haha

Dudes on here talking like Thailand is full of these and that random avg white guys really pulling them... lolz
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8s, 9s, and 10s in Thailand...haha

Dudes on here talking like Thailand is full of these and that random avg white guys really pulling them... lolz
who is saying that? have you read the thread?
we are saying the opposite, that unless you are a chad, you are not pulling those in Thailand
that's the whole point of this thread lol
wtf you must be ugly or manlet
just an average white normie, I dont mind there being chads but I encounter more in sukhhimvit than walking around my major city. I felt like the Lisan al Gaib walking around certain parts of Bangkok and pattaya, so many stares and girls smiling.

8s, 9s, and 10s in Thailand...haha

Dudes on here talking like Thailand is full of these and that random avg white guys really pulling them... lolz
biggest fedfud bot on here next to quantcuck. but yeah a bangkok 8 is like a 5 anywhere else outside of SEA

I think most 10s I saw are hiso date Thai. Or very very rich Ceos
If you are talking about actual 10s, alot of thai models have white bfs/husbands and thaipop stars are all hapas lol. there is truth that farang date the leftover thais but its cope because these are the girls that would otherwise be going with average thai dudes. most asians dont care though, they arent like you western cucks and dont simp at the chance to be a doormat for a 5.
Agree with this review, Bangkok has been my base in SEA for many years because it offers so much, it's cheap and you can have fun.

About the Chads I also agree...many of them are with their gfs because they're on vacation....but there are also some good looking backpackers and digital nomad that saturate Tinder/Bumble. Another problem is that even if these Chads are with their gfs, if they're in the same venue you're a bar, a lounge, a club, a rooftop bar ecc they indirectly reduce your sexual market value by their mere presence. Think about it this way....if an average looking white woman is in a club in New Delhi her SMV will be completely different than if she's in Moscow in a day where there are hundreds of models inside (even if these models are with their bfs). That's why sometimes I'm annoyed by their presence because they steal all the attention even if they aren't looking for anything with local girls.

And I also agree about Thai women being mediocre looking and just a tad better than filipinas....bottom of the barrel as I say. And most of the hi-so girls don't care about foreigners at all, so most foreigners end up dating the average Jane or truly mediocre looking girls....I've seen these men walking with their Thai girls in shopping malls, in restaurants or in the islands....and I myself also would be ashamed to be seen with most of them
Agree with this review, Bangkok has been my base in SEA for many years because it offers so much, it's cheap and you can have fun.

About the Chads I also agree...many of them are with their gfs because they're on vacation....but there are also some good looking backpackers and digital nomad that saturate Tinder/Bumble. Another problem is that even if these Chads are with their gfs, if they're in the same venue you're a bar, a lounge, a club, a rooftop bar ecc they indirectly reduce your sexual market value by their mere presence. Think about it this way....if an average looking white woman is in a club in New Delhi her SMV will be completely different than if she's in Moscow in a day where there are hundreds of models inside (even if these models are with their bfs). That's why sometimes I'm annoyed by their presence because they steal all the attention even if they aren't looking for anything with local girls.

And I also agree about Thai women being mediocre looking and just a tad better than filipinas....bottom of the barrel as I say. And most of the hi-so girls don't care about foreigners at all, so most foreigners end up dating the average Jane or truly mediocre looking girls....I've seen these men walking with their Thai girls in shopping malls, in restaurants or in the islands....and I myself also would be ashamed to be seen with most of them
agreed. its a tradeoff in my opinion that one has to assess. I can see myself going back, its really not hard to get girls are willing to meet up and if you want casual. Honestly even those hiso girls are nothing crazy and have their egos inflated to the moon. they are mid east asian girls at best. still though, theres no other place in the world you can get 30$ bj bar and like a 5 course meal for dirt cheap. jbw is still strong, its just the compeition is strong too. To be fair though in terms of boots on the ground its easy enough to avoid the chads if you go away from the normie pozzed zones, I didnt go to nightclubs besides the coomer places. From what I hear thai dudes are annoying mate guarders and I dont feel like jestermaxxing in a club filled with other dudes looking for the same thing. Rather just pay and go to nana. Most people will stay in sukhimvit and claim its beyond over but go like 20 minutes outside of it and places locals frequent and you will definitely have better results. Most of the people who come here are like the normiest of normies especially post covid
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how old are you?
I wonder how big the difference is competing against the early 20s guys vs being in your early 30s, where chads are a lot less common
cause it seems even the old sexpats are going for girls that are 20 or 21
are girls in their late 20s hot and much easier?
agreed. its a tradeoff in my opinion that one has to assess. I can see myself going back, its really not hard to get girls are willing to meet up and if you want casual. Honestly even those hiso girls are nothing crazy and have their egos inflated to the moon. they are mid east asian girls at best. still though, theres no other place in the world you can get 30$ bj bar and like a 5 course meal for dirt cheap. jbw is still strong, its just the compeition is strong too. To be fair though in terms of boots on the ground its easy enough to avoid the chads if you go away from the normie pozzed zones, I didnt go to nightclubs besides the coomer places. From what I hear thai dudes are annoying mate guarders and I dont feel like jestermaxxing in a club filled with other dudes looking for the same thing. Rather just pay and go to nana. Most people will stay in sukhimvit and claim its beyond over but go like 20 minutes outside of it and places locals frequent and you will definitely have better results. Most of the people who come here are like the normiest of normies especially post covid
yes, it's all about tradeoffs
you can't have it all, if you want to go somewhere where foreigners are 1 out of 1000 or 1 out of 10.000 instead of 1 out of 100, there's usually some big cons involved, otherwise it would get quickly "saturated" within a few years as has happened to Bali, Bangkok, Colombia, Mexico

philippines: quality of life
indonesia outside of bali: quality of life + muslim culture
taiwan: cost of living + no english
china: visas + internet + no english

though I believe most of these can be worked around for the most part, as long as you are willing to put in serious work, most won't obviously
how old are you?
I wonder how big the difference is competing against the early 20s guys vs being in your early 30s, where chads are a lot less common
cause it seems even the old sexpats are going for girls that are 20 or 21
are girls in their late 20s hot and much easier?
in my 20s, older girls in their late 20s probably much easier. Honeslty my apps were blowing up and with messages and I had my filter set for 20 - 25. Bangkok is still like night and day difference compared to the west. Anyone who says otherwise is just exaggerating, the difference lies when compared to other destinations
in my 20s, older girls in their late 20s probably much easier. Honeslty my apps were blowing up and with messages and I had my filter set for 20 - 25. Bangkok is still like night and day difference compared to the west. Anyone who says otherwise is just exaggerating, the difference lies when compared to other destinations
Do you think if you were 6ft things would be any different? I doubt you really got mogged as much as you think since you're mtn facially
in my 20s, older girls in their late 20s probably much easier. Honeslty my apps were blowing up and with messages and I had my filter set for 20 - 25. Bangkok is still like night and day difference compared to the west. Anyone who says otherwise is just exaggerating, the difference lies when compared to other destinations
unlimited quantity but quality is not as high as you wanted it?
in that case you may prefer east asia or latam, because SEA won't have much higher quality imo

i can't think of any SEA country where the difference will be a lot higher in terms of good looking girls, except Vietnam?
Do you think if you were 6ft things would be any different? I doubt you really got mogged as much as you think since you're mtn facially
no not really I dont think so, again I am saying this as an average white guy. In terms of jbw I got plenty of stares and stuff on the streets. I truly believe I would get the same matches as I would on the apps if I chad fished. I am saying this in terms of like getting mogged by western men in thailand, it attracts a certain kind of man here. I am just saying this as an observation and so the PSL kids on here dont have a heart attack when they see pretty boy chad on the airplane and on sukhimvit. Walking around the streets of bangkok you will still get a lot of girls smiling at you and checking you, I would have random groups of women cashiers tell me how white I am or say I have beautiful eyes, etc. Theres still a certain level of facial blindness these asian girls have, ricecel copers will deny it. Add like +2 or 3 to your smv if you have blue or colored eyes, I think thats the true game changer.

unlimited quantity but quality is not as high as you wanted it?
in that case you may prefer east asia or latam, because SEA won't have much higher quality imo

i can't think of any SEA country where the difference will be a lot higher in terms of good looking girls, except Vietnam?
Wouldnt go far as to say unlimited quantity, more like way more options that are open than you would have in the west.
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no not really I dont think so, again I am saying this as an average white guy. In terms of jbw I got plenty of stares and stuff on the streets. I truly believe I would get the same matches as I would on the apps if I chad fished. I am saying this in terms of like getting mogged by western men in thailand, it attracts a certain kind of man here. I am just saying this as an observation and so the PSL kids on here dont have a heart attack when they see pretty boy chad on the airplane and on sukhimvit. Walking around the streets of bangkok you will still get a lot of girls smiling at you and checking you, I would have random groups of women cashiers tell me how white I am or say I have beautiful eyes, etc. Theres still a certain level of facial blindness these asian girls have, ricecel copers will deny it. Add like +2 or 3 to your smv if you have blue or colored eyes, I think thats the true game changer.

Wouldnt go far as to say unlimited quantity, more like way more options that are open than you would have in the west.
blue eyes is def a halo i'm so glad I don't have poop eyes. I'm really glad you went i legit thought you quit the forum
I can hear quantcuck and the other faggots on here ready to pounce so I will keep the mongering here brief.
looks like you were right :LOL:

anyway, your post got pinned by some mod despite containing p4p. personally, i'm not into p4p but probably i'll get there as well at some point as i get older, so i don't mind reading such mixed reports. also i've been to some PUA forums before where p4p was forbidden, but it caused the problem that some guys just pretended to have slayn girls casually but they were actually hookers or they just offered them money so they come with them. probably better to just allow talking about it instead then to avoid such things.
looks like you were right :LOL:

anyway, your post got pinned by some mod despite containing p4p. personally, i'm not into p4p but probably i'll get there as well at some point as i get older, so i don't mind reading such mixed reports. also i've been to some PUA forums before where p4p was forbidden, but it caused the problem that some guys just pretended to have slayn girls casually but they were actually hookers or they just offered them money so they come with them. probably better to just allow talking about it instead then to avoid such things.
its always the men with zero options who are always the loudest against p4p.
1. PH
2. Thailand for P4P/older than 27 age dating
3. Ask @biggunsar about Indonesia

All other cities are prob Tier 2 in terms of dating life like

personal experience cambodia and indo

indo is fucking awesome for girls. in indonesia you do not have to worry about "chad" competition. there are not alot of white people here. but it' a head warp to wrap around the concept of modesty. These girls are super modest. Not the hijab ones either. If you see an indo girl, wearing tight clothing, she's a whore in their eyes. Like complete and utter whore. No good guy will wifey that. \

When i went to cambodia the girls were instantly "hotter" but after a week i realised, they aren't necessarily hotter. it's just they dressed slutty. But there was a FUCK TON of white people. so many i didn't like it. As far as chads "i don't really notice that stuff" never have. I just do my own thing. usually solo. i like solo. solo means i can go off the rails and no one is alive to repeat the tales LOL.

So with indonesian girls it's like opening up a box of chocolate with them. In indo, you will find alot of girls have "sleeper tits".

what are sleeper tits? you wonder. It's a term i use when you see a girl, and she looks plain, normal. but you see her with her shirt off and she reveals the most amazing tits you have ever seen. But because of the clothes she wears you would never have guessed.

"sleeper tits" and that goes for their entire bodies. I don't know if thats a good thing or bad thing.

but anyways. cambodia is less about dating and all about fuck for money.

indo is a bit of both. Depends on where you go. But the JBW is extreme in indo. I got none of that in cambodia.
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personal experience cambodia and indo

indo is fucking awesome for girls. in indonesia you do not have to worry about "chad" competition. there are not alot of white people here. but it' a head warp to wrap around the concept of modesty. These girls are super modest. Not the hijab ones either. If you see an indo girl, wearing tight clothing, she's a whore in their eyes. Like complete and utter whore. No good guy will wifey that. \

When i went to cambodia the girls were instantly "hotter" but after a week i realised, they aren't necessarily hotter. it's just they dressed slutty. But there was a FUCK TON of white people. so many i didn't like it. As far as chads "i don't really notice that stuff" never have. I just do my own thing. usually solo. i like solo. solo means i can go off the rails and no one is alive to repeat the tales LOL.

So with indonesian girls it's like opening up a box of chocolate with them. In indo, you will find alot of girls have "sleeper tits".

what are sleeper tits? you wonder. It's a term i use when you see a girl, and she looks plain, normal. but you see her with her shirt off and she reveals the most amazing tits you have ever seen. But because of the clothes she wears you would never have guessed.

"sleeper tits" and that goes for their entire bodies. I don't know if thats a good thing or bad thing.

but anyways. cambodia is less about dating and all about fuck for money.

indo is a bit of both. Depends on where you go. But the JBW is extreme in indo. I got none of that in cambodia.
I assume cambodia had a more older crowd right?
I assume cambodia had a more older crowd right?
yes and no, i saw all varieties while in cambodia, but ya alot of pensioners, and english guys. for some reason.

But i cannot compare cambodia to indonesia. There just arent' alot of tourists here in indonesia (bali is the hot spot for tourists, not jakarta)

In the area i was in (north and red light district) in one month i could literally count the amount of white people i saw, on one hand.

maybe 1 to 3. MAX. and usually backpackers. The poors who have dirty hair and you can tell they dont' have any money.
and some months would go by and no foreigners.

where i am now, there is absolutely no foreigners. I am the novelty "foreigner" here. im on the north east of jakarta now. and it's been 2 weeks now.

Now south of jakarta is suppsoed to have alot of foreigners. But i don't go south much (you have to understand, jakarta is fucking huge, 32 million plus people in one city) so to drive from one end to the other is like an hour and a half with a taxi and about 10 dollars)

So unless you have a reason to do it, you basically just stick to your area.
yes and no, i saw all varieties while in cambodia, but ya alot of pensioners, and english guys. for some reason.

But i cannot compare cambodia to indonesia. There just arent' alot of tourists here in indonesia (bali is the hot spot for tourists, not jakarta)

In the area i was in (north and red light district) in one month i could literally count the amount of white people i saw, on one hand.

maybe 1 to 3. MAX. and usually backpackers. The poors who have dirty hair and you can tell they dont' have any money.
and some months would go by and no foreigners.

where i am now, there is absolutely no foreigners. I am the novelty "foreigner" here. im on the north east of jakarta now. and it's been 2 weeks now.

Now south of jakarta is suppsoed to have alot of foreigners. But i don't go south much (you have to understand, jakarta is fucking huge, 32 million plus people in one city) so to drive from one end to the other is like an hour and a half with a taxi and about 10 dollars)

So unless you have a reason to do it, you basically just stick to your area.
very weird that any young normie white guy would go to cambodia unless for scrupulous purposes. the country is more of a shithole than flip from videos I have watched
very weird that any young normie white guy would go to cambodia unless for scrupulous purposes. the country is more of a shithole than flip from videos I have watched
cambodia is no longer like it was 20 years ago. i actually had to drive through svay pak the notorius child prostitution town. or area or whatever (went to shoot guns) it was on the way to the gun range. I did lots of research when i was in cambodia. Places to go and see. And stumbled on a whole bunch of fucked up shit that happened 20 or more years ago there. shit, only 30 year ago pot pol was murdering millions of cambodians. Hard to believe, only 30 years ago.

and all of that is gone now. From what a local told me.

but their red light district loks ALOT like thailand. I think it's even modeled after thailand with bar fines, and the rows and rows of bars

but it felt very touristy, which i didn't like. I dont' know why, but i like the JBW affect i get in indonesia. i get upgraded to first class no matter where i go. go to some restaurant. They treat me like im a fucking movie star. and it doens't cost me any extra for this "service or treatment".

its' awesome.
very weird that any young normie white guy would go to cambodia unless for scrupulous purposes. the country is more of a shithole than flip from videos I have watched
cambodia is better simply because it’s on the mainland and has more access to foreign investment

Flip ain't even a. Shithole you just have to use realistic expectations
don’t delude yourself just because you live there now. it’s a shithole

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