Asian stacy + British white stacy direct messaged me for a hook up


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
Reaction score
Fuck!! They're too far away. I feel like going insane. I'm so close man. They're stacy tier for christ sake. They wanted a ONS with me. I have Chad tier sex appeal to some women because of my height + physique. I'm not even fully looksmaxed. I'm gonna be a mogger when I'm fully looksmaxed!!

second bird is a caked up failed love island contestant bruv

i hate seeing those types in the orient. the audacity of them to think i’ll text them first! meanwhile asian girls will text me first
second bird is a caked up failed love island contestant bruv
She's a stacy in the UK and has an insane pair of legs on her. She even messaged me at 4am with a 👋. So she clearly was down to fuck.
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She's a stacy in the UK. She has an insane pair of legs on her. She messaged me at 4am with a 👋. She clearly was down to fuck.
yea i notice girls that text at such late hours are dtf. took me a while to realize it as i’m non nt

but i tend to check in for bed early! i’m a good catholic boy

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