Advice Any of you go to college?

dropped out of college. if you cant interact with people find something you can do that will enable you to do that. If you go to the philipines you can have a bunch of gfs and they will always wanna talk to u.
dropped out of college. if you cant interact with people find something you can do that will enable you to do that. If you go to the philipines you can have a bunch of gfs and they will always wanna talk to u.
third world smelly brown girls are not the company I want to keep, sure, I’ll coom in them. But I want friends and people of my own nation.
third world smelly brown girls are not the company I want to keep, sure, I’ll coom in them. But I want friends and people of my own nation.
I'm still trying to figure that out myself. do you have any friends from HS? Most people make close friends in HS or College. Do you have any family your age that are cool? relatives in a city you could spend some time with? What is your situation: general location, level of extraversion, what do you want for a career. You will make friends in college if you are friendly and outgoing.
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I'm still trying to figure that out myself. do you have any friends from HS? Most people make close friends in HS or College. Do you have any family your age that are cool? relatives in a city you could spend some time with? What is your situation: age, general location, level of extraversion, what do you want for a career
Yea I know a few based people irl that are childhood friends, but only a few. And they don’t live too near me. Idc about a “career” my plan is to get my degree, do some construction and trades, while traveling a bit, then by the time I’m 30 or sooner go innawoods and live as autonomously as I can. Hopefully I can do it with other people or a wife of a similar mindset.
actually studying in ph is not that bad idea, tuition can be as low as 1.5-2k usd per year, they have a lot of english programs and admission rate is like 100% for foreigners even with shit high school/bachelor degree
obviously philipino degree is shit but its one of best methods to try to socialize like normie i can think of
actually studying in ph is not that bad idea, tuition can be as low as 1.5-2k usd per year, they have a lot of english programs and admission rate is like 100% for foreigners even with shit high school/bachelor degree
obviously philipino degree is shit but its one of best methods to try to socialize like normie i can think of
interesting, but I’m not changing now.
elaborate my friend
Idk what to say but I will get about 800 euros (i know not much) for educating myself. Will go in comp science and economy, a mix of both.

Will not have to tax it or to ever pay it back, pretty lucky lol
Idk what to say but I will get about 800 euros (i know not much) for educating myself. Will go in comp science and economy, a mix of both.

Will not have to tax it or to ever pay it back, pretty lucky lol
but how did you get this? its scholarship for good grades or something?
but how did you get this? its scholarship for good grades or something?
No everyone can get this if they apply in this particular school, in this particular state. I cant reveal more info as it will just get me doxxed lmao.

But it isnt anything crazy for my countries standards at all.
College is pointless, and working is too,

Also why would someone want to be friends with fat mixed race circumcised Americucks?
not true, how else will you have a opportunity to go to world class technical schools outside of north america with access to fortune 500 recruiting fairs that still pair decent wages?
Brick and mortar college and university is brutal if you're not attractive. It's basically cunty women dressed down to their underwear prancing around on campus teasing men. Do college online.
They’re not why I’m there
College is pointless, and working is too,

Also why would someone want to be friends with fat mixed race circumcised Americucks?
For better or worse they are my countrymen, yes yes a sad situation indeed, but let’s not pretend it’s remedied by moving somewhere else.
I’m about to begin, I don’t even care about smashing or not I just want to have some friends, I’ve been worried sick about this all summer. Did any of you overcome your autism?
The only person who can fix your autism is you, college isn't going to do it for you.

In fact Highschool is much better for socializing because it's a prison-like environment where everyone is forced to attend and sit next to the same people daily and collaborate on projects outside of school hours together.
Go to cc for 2 years and either go to your state school or do an online degree at Western governer's university. American college experience is the biggest kike psyop and unless you are very nt and low inhib its hard to make actual friends beyond study budys or drinking buddies. As someone who is adapatlbe to normie situations I have been to several frat parties and they are pretty overrated. I lost my v card but I would have much preferred to do a trip in europe and fuck some erasmus sluts in spain and fuck hookers than jestermaxx for blue pilled frat normies and soriority whores. Also college is pretty lonely in general, I have some good memories but again its a huge financial burden and expecting a social group off the bat is a delusion. if you are on this board at your age you are prob high inhib, travelling will fix that more than interacting with a bunch of good goy american chumps and dumb roasties
actually studying in ph is not that bad idea, tuition can be as low as 1.5-2k usd per year, they have a lot of english programs and admission rate is like 100% for foreigners even with shit high school/bachelor degree
obviously philipino degree is shit but its one of best methods to try to socialize like normie i can think of
There are phillipino coding bootcamps for westeners that are cheap and accreddited
Go to cc for 2 years and either go to your state school or do an online degree at Western governer's university. American college experience is the biggest kike psyop and unless you are very nt and low inhib its hard to make actual friends beyond study budys or drinking buddies. As someone who is adapatlbe to normie situations I have been to several frat parties and they are pretty overrated. I lost my v card but I would have much preferred to do a trip in europe and fuck some erasmus sluts in spain and fuck hookers than jestermaxx for blue pilled frat normies and soriority whores. Also college is pretty lonely in general, I have some good memories but again its a huge financial burden and expecting a social group off the bat is a delusion. if you are on this board at your age you are prob high inhib, travelling will fix that more than interacting with a bunch of good goy american chumps and dumb roasties
I’m not high inhib. In fact my problem is I have such few inhibitions people think I am a sociopath, which is good for being a dark triad but not for making friends

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