Advice Airbnbs with hidden cameras


Well-known Member
Aug 24, 2023
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I have a confusion about renting on Airbnb; I've learned that some Airbnbs have hidden cameras. Does this affect bringing a woman into the house? What should I pay attention to when renting on Airbnb to avoid this?

If you can't bring someone to fuck, then airbnb is meaningless
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I have a confusion about renting on Airbnb; I've learned that some Airbnbs have hidden cameras. Does this affect bringing a woman into the house? What should I pay attention to when renting on Airbnb to avoid this?

If you can't bring someone to fuck, then airbnb is meaningless
They can be really hard to find. You'll likely need a metal detector to find them but nobody brings a metal detector on holiday.
They can be really hard to find. You'll likely need a metal detector to find them but nobody brings a metal detector on holiday.
Then can't I bring anyone for making love to airbnb hellhole?
Fuck her under the covers if you're afraid of people watching you.
I have a confusion about renting on Airbnb; I've learned that some Airbnbs have hidden cameras. Does this affect bringing a woman into the house? What should I pay attention to when renting on Airbnb to avoid this?

If you can't bring someone to fuck, then airbnb is meaningless
Get a hotel retard wtf kind of autism is this
i dont give slightest fuck tbh, im just mongering piece of bastard tasting fresh teenage pussy and thats all i care about, if they watch me no problem im the one coooooooooming they can wank watching my ugly skeleton framelet body of 14 years old boy during coitus
there’s an app you can use to check but forgot what it’s called

idrc so never check

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