6'6"/198cm Model Reaction Compilation Pt.1 (Japan's Best!)

watched all of them it's mostly beckies except for this one
bluepill shit
Nah, if anything it's redpill bias which I'll admit to.

If you're suifueling it means one of two things:
  1. You are erroneously thinking that his attention in the street will meaningfully convert to lots of high quality sexual encounters or strong relationships
  2. You DO understand that it's just a matter of attention and validation, but you prioritize attention and validation over high quality sexual encounters or strong relationships
Either way it's a recipe for sadness imo

6'6 is minimum. Still not tall. It's what women see as average
I still can't tell people whether are fucking with me or if they actually believe this kind of stuff. Bro I can't even remember the last time I saw someone who's 6'6", yet now it's average?
6'6 is minimum. Still not tall. It's what women see as average
even 6'6 is still borderline manlet. height statistics are complete bullshit btw. people 6'7+ are way more common than they want you to believe. I get heightmogged countless times on the rare occasion I go outside. I straight up believe that among whites, people 6'6+ are 1/3 of the population and 6'0+ is 80 percent.
even 6'6 is still borderline manlet. height statistics are complete bullshit btw. people 6'7+ are way more common than they want you to believe. I get heightmogged countless times on the rare occasion I go outside. I straight up believe that among whites, people 6'6+ are 1/3 of the population and 6'0+ is 80 percent.
Ahhh now I know you're joking. I'm kind of stupid and fall for bait a lot my bad
It sucks that BP has so many valuable insights but also fosters this kind of straight-up delusion sometimes. Rehab Room is brilliant but he is also guilty of promoting this "you must be seven feet tall!" shit. He is clever enough to know better which makes me disappointed in him.

I think a large part of the issue is that most BP guys don't actually interact, in real life, with HTNs or Chadlites who are between 5'10" and 6'3" or so. BP height-fixaters will drone on about how 5'11" Brad is getting mogged by 6'6" Chad or whatever... but do you see this in real life? I don't. I never see anyone who's 6'6", certainly not in Japan. Most moggers I see in real life are above-average in height but not tall.
Yes. The height and chad worship within the BP sphere is sooo cringe. Like bro, get out of the internet and actually do something about your situation.
As he proceeds to upload videos weekly of him literally just walking and gets tens of thousands of views for just existing. It's not suifuel - could hardly care less about this kind of shit - but it makes me glad I'm not a narcissist. Wonder if guys like this believe for a second that their grift content benefits society in the grand scheme of things tbh lol
Suicide inducing video. He should be careful. There are a few psychos who can only take so much mogging. Pretty boy has a lot to lose.

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