2025+ is peak JBW


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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The more white guys geomax, the more girls realize they stand a chance of getting a whitey

So they go out of their way to find one

I met so many sea girls who are jbw only. Date holiday cucks for a month or do ldrs

I talk with 1 hot girl, and her friend is 10/10 model with 250k followers, has a white bf

So I think her having a white bf made her friend(the girl I'm talking to) get jbw fever and confirm in here eyes that jbw bf is a status symbol

Some indonesian guy I talked to was the one who actually told me this, but it makes sense. Once 1 girl in the friendship group gets a white bf, they all want one, they get white fever

A white bf in asia is like a louis v handbag here
I think there is probably a sweet spot where white people exist and are around, but you don't see them on every single block. This way you're not treated as some kind of alien or exotic "thing" that girls are afraid to interact with.

I think nowhere in Asia is currently oversaturated except for Thailand, probably just Bangkok

People bitch and moan about Tokyo being oversaturated but it's not

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